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“Men are better than women and women are the servants of men”

I always see videos of young women portraying the usual gender roles. They make videos like "A day in the life of a stay-at-home-girlfriend" or something. But i think, if these women or girls act like they don't need education anyway, they don't need a career because they can stay at home while their partner's working all day then I just think that that's wrong. I mean, there will, of course, always be stay-at-home-wives or husbands but i just think it's important that you make it clear to young people that they can also start getting educated and build their own career and not just marry a rich man and then proceed to do nothing with their lives. It's important that you can stand on your own feet. Who knows, it's possible that the relationship won't last after all and then you are left with nothing. No education, no profession, no experience in life. Of course, it's perfectly fine if you are fully comfortable in this role and don't want to persue a career or anything. But in my opinion it is wrong to portray this lifestyle as the only option. Women worked so hard to have the right to be able to choose their profession and be respected in the workplace. So if we stop working hard, I feel like we let down the former generations who fought for our rights.

Research on the topic

According to "AmericanProgress", the current recession, resulting from a pandemic, disproportionately affects women for the first time in history. All these factors contribute to a trend highlighted by the blogger, where young women become financially dependent on men, often leaving them vulnerable to their whims. Was women staying at home simply a necessity that we have forgotten after the pandemic?

Experts' advice for Gen Z and Millenials

Always have a financial reserve: Relying on someone else for financial support without any form of security is not a good idea, regardless of who that person is. It is always possible that the relationship may not work out, leaving one vulnerable and financially dependent. Continuously educate oneself: The desire for an aesthetically pleasing household and a TikTok lifestyle should not hinder personal development. Investing in one's own education and skills can serve as a safety net in case things don't go as planned. Volunteer work: Social engagement and social skills are valuable soft skills that can benefit anyone, including those who choose to be a "stay-at-home girlfriend." Additionally, volunteering can create job opportunities that can serve as a safety net in difficult times.
