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Harassments & Inappropriate Comments

"You'd get more tips with a deeper neckline"

When I was in the lower grades I went to a summer camp where you were able to participate in certrain activities. In some of those activities like arts and theater only girls participated and in the IT-Branche and in the activities for which i registered were like two girls and 10 boys. And all of the adults always said to me "What? You're really doing this? I thought girls weren't into such things. Usually there are only boys." And that made me really uncomfortable because I was only a 13-year-old girl that likes something typical for boys. This resulted in me doubting my intentions and if I really wanted that or if I should do something more suitable for girls.

When I was 12 or 13 I constantly got compliments from my adult male teachers and I just think that this wouldn't have happened to me if I was a boy.

Research on the topic

According to "AmericanProgress", the current recession, resulting from a pandemic, disproportionately affects women for the first time in history. All these factors contribute to a trend highlighted by the blogger, where young women become financially dependent on men, often leaving them vulnerable to their whims. Was women staying at home simply a necessity that we have forgotten after the pandemic?

Experts' advice for Gen Z and Millenials

Always have a financial reserve: Relying on someone else for financial support without any form of security is not a good idea, regardless of who that person is. It is always possible that the relationship may not work out, leaving one vulnerable and financially dependent. Continuously educate oneself: The desire for an aesthetically pleasing household and a TikTok lifestyle should not hinder personal development. Investing in one's own education and skills can serve as a safety net in case things don't go as planned. Volunteer work: Social engagement and social skills are valuable soft skills that can benefit anyone, including those who choose to be a "stay-at-home girlfriend." Additionally, volunteering can create job opportunities that can serve as a safety net in difficult times.
